Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Clay Projects 3rd and 5th grade

3rd grade owls turned out great.  This lesson plan is from MRS. PICASSO'S ART ROOM.
We painted our owls with watercolor paints, added glitter glue and mod podge and were able to take them home the same day! 
The 5th graders made a clay dish/bowl in the shape of a fish, heart or star.  We used glaze on this clay project and the students did a great job of carefully choosing glaze colors that would look good together.  This project is available from DEEP SPACE SPARKLE.
I have to admit it is a relief to start sending these home. Having 300 clay projects in the  Art room/closet can be a bit overwhelming.  There was minimum breakage with these two projects so I will definately do them again. Thanks for the ideas fellow Art teachers!

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