My professional goal this year involves using our new one to one technology in the Art room. Because of the high number of students I see per week (900) I needed a simple way to use technology that would benefit the kids and be helpful to our technology goals. Students were very excited to see why they were asked to bring their device to art class! I decided to do a simple Google Drive folder lesson, having the kids name new folder as an ART folder. I then demonstrated how to take a good photo of their work, no table, no floor, no fingers, etc. in the picture. Whole piece of artwork in the photograph. Students got to work photographing several pieces of work I had saved using the camera app on their ipads. We currently are doing this in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades and I hope to use in grades 1st and 2nd next year when they receive their one to one devices. Once I become better at the technology myself, it might be possible to do small voice descriptions of the art piece or create a slideshow.
I was very happy to see how seriously they took their task of taking a good picture.
"I can use the Elements of Art" These colorful Owls and Cactus stand up projects turned out great and 3rd graders enjoyed using all the elements of art in their patterns.
I had students trace a cactus or an owl shape onto tagboard to begin the lesson.
We then discussed the elements of art and used all of them except texture in our patterns on the owls and cactus plants. The TEXTURE was added with glitter lines after we discussed how texture looks on a 2D picture. As a final touch students cut out their shape and then used two small cardboard feet to hold up their art project. All turned out colorful and artists were proud of their work.
"I can make art about my world" Kinders talked about Canada Geese which they have seen on a lake in town. I told them I was going to show them an easy way to make a goose.
To begin every child was given a paper plate and a black crayon and teacher demonstrated on the board how to draw a v shaped beak, a neck and the back of the goose. Then we colored each part with crayons and added black feather lines on wings.
Kids had choice of leaving the paper plate or gluing on to a background and drawing an environment around their goose. Also could add a winter scarf if they wanted to have more color. Many many geese were made at home or at art stations in the Kinder classrooms after this lesson!