Third graders really enjoyed the process of making concentric circles like this artist.
I used a prompt found on another site and asked the students if they thought this was easy or difficult to paint. What a great discussion we had! They were really thinking and relating it back to the cupcake painting they just finished.
They began by tracing and cutting a brown kraft
paper tree then glued it to white drawing paper.
Using oil pastels, third grade artists created concentric circle patterns in white space or touching the tree. Limit was 6 different colored rings on each circle.
This student told me that the large center circle was the heart of the tree.
When they were done I decided the pictures looked like something was missing. We added marker lines and patterns around the edges of the paper to complete our composition. Several people stopped me to say these reminded them of something... either a painting they had done at a Wine and Canvas event or a movie they had seen about this artist. Love it when the kid's artwork sparks conversations in the hallways!